• A is for Attendance: Practical ideas to reduce Pupil Premium absence
• B is for Behaviours: Identifying crucial behaviours for learning
• C is for Community: Engaging effectively with disadvantaged families
Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector
Workshop Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)
• Understanding the overlaps between Pupil Premium and SEND
• Engaging with families of PP & SEND students who live in poverty
• Building trust and relationships with students, parents and others
• Practical strategies for closing attendance gaps within vulnerable groups
• How can we ensure vulnerable pupils are 'classroom ready'? What does this look like?
• Case studies of Pupil Premium impact at primary and secondary schools
• Raising aspirations and building cultural capital
• Widening horizons for disadvantaged SEND students
• Guidance and 'lessons learned' for supporting adopted children
Workshop Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)
• Pupil Premium: Lessons learned from one school's very recent Ofsted inspection
• What lines of enquiry do inspectors pursue when scrutinising your Pupil Premium work?
• How can schools and Pupil Premium leads best prepare for Ofsted inspection?
• How can we understand what is happening in our communities?
• A preventative approach to supporting children in poverty
• Identifying and breaking down barriers to education
• Explore the overlap between racial justice, diversity and Pupil Premium work in schools
• Empowering disadvantaged pupils via inclusive practice
• Practical examples of how anti-racist approaches can be applied in schools
Your chance to network and engage with leading exhibitors in the sector
• Lessons learned from a headteacher who was himself a free schools meal child
• Reflections on three connected stories of three children who grew up in poverty
• Understanding the lived experiences of our disadvantaged pupils
Workshop Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)
• Whole-school approaches to improving disciplinary literacy
• Ensuring that every lesson is a literacy intervention
• Cost and time-effective reading/literacy interventions
• Exploring the dual impact of poverty and SEND on students and families
• Removing or reducing the barriers to attendance for SEND students
• Ideas for supporting and engaging with families of SEND students
• A range of tried and tested ideas to help boost pupils' reading enjoyment
• Engaging with families to get pupils reading more at home
• Reading for pleasure approaches to support vulnerable children
Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector
Workshop Session 4 (choose 4A, 4B or 4C)
•Evaluate your Pupil Premium provision with honesty
•Plan your Pupil Premium next steps with empathy
•Review your Pupil Premium effectiveness with humility
• Increasing participation in enrichment and extra-curricular activities for children in lower-income households
• Breaking down the cost barriers to extra-curricular activities
• Lessons learned from Child Poverty Action Group's Cost of the School Day projects
• What are the common pastoral needs of children living in poverty?
• What pastoral barriers do these needs create and how can we overcome them?
• What are the tenets of effective pastoral care to meet diverse needs?
Click here to access descriptive details about the content and core themes of each session.