
Chair’s welcome
SecEd and Headteacher Update
OPENING KEYNOTE: As easy as ABC? Pupil Premium and disadvantage

• A is for Attendance: Practical ideas to reduce Pupil Premium absence
• B is for Behaviours: Identifying crucial behaviours for learning
• C is for Community: Engaging effectively with disadvantaged families

Education Author and Advisor
BEE, Yorkshire
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Workshop Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)

Workshop 1A: SECONDARY: Pupil Premium, SEND and parents

• Understanding the overlaps between Pupil Premium and SEND
• Engaging with families of PP & SEND students who live in poverty
• Building trust and relationships with students, parents and others

SENCO and Assistant Headteacher at Harrogate Grammar School
Lead for SEND, Red Kite Learning Trust
Workshop 1B: CROSS-PHASE: Closing attendance gaps and ensuring pupils are 'classroom ready'

• Practical strategies for closing attendance gaps within vulnerable groups
• How can we ensure vulnerable pupils are 'classroom ready'? What does this look like?
• Case studies of Pupil Premium impact at primary and secondary schools

Deputy Headteacher and DSL, Rainham School for Girls, Kent
Regional TKAT ACE Lead, The Kemnal Academies Trust
Workshop 1C: PRIMARY: Cultural Capital with The Grove 100

• Raising aspirations and building cultural capital
• Widening horizons for disadvantaged SEND students
• Guidance and 'lessons learned' for supporting adopted children

The Grove Primary School, Totnes

Workshop Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)

Workshop 2A: SECONDARY: Inspection of the Pupil Premium: Experiences and lessons learned from the frontline

• Pupil Premium: Lessons learned from one school's very recent Ofsted inspection
• What lines of enquiry do inspectors pursue when scrutinising your Pupil Premium work?
• How can schools and Pupil Premium leads best prepare for Ofsted inspection?

Deputy Headteacher
Oriel High School, Crawley
School Business Manager
Oriel High School, Crawley
Workshop 2B: CROSS PHASE: How well do you know your community? Place, poverty and the Pupil Premium

• How can we understand what is happening in our communities?
• A preventative approach to supporting children in poverty
• Identifying and breaking down barriers to education

Doctoral Researcher investigating poverty and educational inequality in schools, Teesside University
Director of PLACE (People, Learning and Community Engagement), Tees Valley Education
Workshop 2C: PRIMARY: Racial justice, inclusion and Pupil Premium

• Explore the overlap between racial justice, diversity and Pupil Premium work in schools
• Empowering disadvantaged pupils via inclusive practice
• Practical examples of how anti-racist approaches can be applied in schools

English & Reading Lead, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lead, KS2 Teacher
Loughborough Primary School, London
Lunch and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and engage with leading exhibitors in the sector

AFTERNOON KEYNOTE: The lived experiences of a free school meals headteacher

• Lessons learned from a headteacher who was himself a free schools meal child
• Reflections on three connected stories of three children who grew up in poverty
• Understanding the lived experiences of our disadvantaged pupils

St Peter's Catholic Primary School, Gloucester

Workshop Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)

Workshop 3A: SECONDARY: Reading, oracy and vocabulary as part of Pupil Premium practice

• Whole-school approaches to improving disciplinary literacy
• Ensuring that every lesson is a literacy intervention
• Cost and time-effective reading/literacy interventions

Assistant Headteacher
King Ecgbert School, Sheffield, part of the Mercia Learning Trust
Workshop 3B: CROSS-PHASE: Closing attendance gaps for disadvantaged SEND students

• Exploring the dual impact of poverty and SEND on students and families
• Removing or reducing the barriers to attendance for SEND students
• Ideas for supporting and engaging with families of SEND students

Local Authority SEND Adviser and Inspector, Neurodiversity Champion, SEND/SLCN Specialist
Workshop 3C: PRIMARY: Practical ideas for encouraging reading for pleasure across the primary school

• A range of tried and tested ideas to help boost pupils' reading enjoyment
• Engaging with families to get pupils reading more at home
• Reading for pleasure approaches to support vulnerable children

Head of Research and Impact,
Acting Head
Windy Arbor Primary School in Solihull
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Workshop Session 4 (choose 4A, 4B or 4C)

Workshop 4A: SECONDARY: A No Silver Bullets approach to Pupil Premium Improvement

•Evaluate your Pupil Premium provision with honesty

•Plan your Pupil Premium next steps with empathy

•Review your Pupil Premium effectiveness with humility

School Improvement Director and author of the No Silver Bullets: Day-in, day-out school improvement books
Infinity Academies Trust
Workshop 4B: CROSS-PHASE: Inclusive approaches to extra-curricular and enrichment

• Increasing participation in enrichment and extra-curricular activities for children in lower-income households
• Breaking down the cost barriers to extra-curricular activities
• Lessons learned from Child Poverty Action Group's Cost of the School Day projects

Senior Education Policy Officer
Child Poverty Action Group
Workshop 4C: CROSS-PHASE: Pastoral care strategies for meeting the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged learners

• What are the common pastoral needs of children living in poverty?
• What pastoral barriers do these needs create and how can we overcome them?
• What are the tenets of effective pastoral care to meet diverse needs?

National Chair
The National Association for Pastoral Care in Education
Assistant Headteacher
Alderbrook School, Solihull
End of conference

Click here to access descriptive details about the content and core themes of each session.