Charlotte Bowyer is an Assistant Headteacher at King Ecgbert Secondary School in Sheffield leading on raising the attainment of Pupil Premium and EAL students and whole-school reading and literacy strategies. King Ecgbert is a non-selective, mixed 11-18 secondary, awarded ‘outstanding’ in each category by Ofsted in 2024. The school has more than 1,400 students and serves a diverse catchment with 50 languages spoken; 23% of students are Pupil Premium. Charlotte started teaching history in 1992 and has worked at schools in London, Doncaster and Sheffield. She has been a national facilitator for the EEF’s EAL in the mainstream classroom programme, has presented at Closing the Gap and EAL national conferences, and contributed to a SecEd podcast on PP practice. She has published articles in NALDIC and SecEd journals and wrote a chapter for Tom Sherrington’s book Learning Rainforest.
Charlotte Bowyer
Assistant Headteacher
King Ecgbert School, Sheffield, part of the Mercia Learning Trust