
Chair’s welcome
KEYNOTE: CROSS-PHASE - This much we know: Five 'best bets' for Pupil Premium spending
  • What can we learn from the most recent research into disadvantage in our schools? 
  • Five research-based ""Best Bets"" for Pupil Premium work and interventions
  • Lessons learned from the speaker's own doctoral research into poverty and disadvantage
Trust Improvement Leader, Tees Valley Education
Doctoral researcher in educational poverty, Teesside University
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)

Workshop 1A: SECONDARY - Pupil Premium and beyond: Practical PP strategies and their impact
  • A breakdown of practical PP strategies and interventions in place at Oriel High School – ideas, tips and lessons learned
  • Cost of living crisis: How PP strategy can have a wider impact to support all disadvantaged students and not just those eligible for PP funding
  • Advice on how the numerous interventions at Oriel High School can be adapted and adopted in your school setting
Deputy Headteacher
Oriel High School
Oriel High School, Crawley
WORKSHOP 1B: CROSS-PHASE: Diminishing Disadvantage: A three-point plan
  • A three-point plan to diminish the impact of disadvantage in the classroom
  • Quality-first teaching, adaptive learning, and additional interventions
  • Building cultural capital and designing an effective curriculum

Education Author and Advisor
Bromley Education, Yorkshire
Workshop 1C: PRIMARY - Using professional learning to drive Pupil Premium impact and progress
  • How primary schools can use professional learning programmes to boost outcomes for disadvantaged children
  • Lessons learned from the work of Highlands Primary School and Uphall Primary School
  • Supporting a staff coaching culture to enable structured conversations with families and pupils
Head learning leader
Highlands Primary School, Ilford and Uphall Primary School, Barking

Breakout Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)

Workshop 2A: SECONDARY - ESLT for Funded Interventions, Hastings High School, Leicestershire
  • A step-by-step explanation of Hastings High School's four-year journey to achieving outstanding Pupil Premium results
  • Getting key elements right including staff CPD and training, cultural capital, and understanding pupils' individual needs
  • Key lessons learned from Hastings High School's recent successful Ofsted inspection
ESLT for Funded Interventions
Hastings High School, Leicestershire
Workshop 2B: CROSS-PHASE - Managing the 5% brilliantly: Avoiding the road of blame and shame
  • How can we engage with the 5% of pupils who display the most challenging behaviour?
  • Responding positively and avoiding the road of punishment, blame and shame
  • How can we create a positive learning and classroom culture?
Global Professional Instructor
Workshop 2C: PRIMARY - Early help and Pupil Premium teaching strategies
  • How to assess and identify where pupils need intervention, especially new arrivals to your school
  • A number of Pupil Premium teaching strategies and ideas to help boost pupils' oracy skills
  • Ideas and lessons learned from the work of Loughborough Primary School, south London
Loughborough Primary School, Lambeth, London
Lunch and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Keynote 2: CROSS-PHASE - Insights from 35 Inspections: Understanding Ofsted's Pupil Premium expectations
  • Advice, tips and insights from 35 inspections (and counting)
  • What kind of questions will Ofsted ask about your Pupil Premium work?
  • Being prepared: What can we do prior to inspection?
Education Director
Infinity Academies Trust, Lincolnshire

Breakout Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)

Workshop 3A : CROSS-PHASE- Decoding behaviour: Seeing past the masks of our vulnerable learners
  • How can we decode the behaviour of our vulnerable learners to better meet their needs
  • Removing the barriers to connection that exist in our schools
  • Practising the five building blocks of connection – being present, curious, patient, creative and authentic
Elements SEMH Support
Workshop 3B: CROSS-PHASE - Why you should take your Pupil Premium learners outdoors
  • How outdoor education can support the engagement and progress of vulnerable learners
  • Practical ideas and suggestions for outdoor learning activities
  • In the school grounds, school trips and outings, and residential visits
Head of Impact and Learning
Inspiring Learning
Workshop 3C: CROSS-PHASE: Tutoring for Pupil Premium students: Secrets to success
  • The secrets to setting up effective one-to-one or small group tutoring provision for disadvantaged students
  • Key lessons learned from 10 years of delivering academic tuition for primary and secondary pupils
  • How to choose students, complement existing curriculum provision, and evaluate impact
CEO, The Tutor Trust
Tutoring for Pupil Premium students: Secrets to success
Programme Director
Tutor Trust
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 4 (CHOOSE 4A or 4B)

Workshop 4A: CROSS-PHASE - Vulnerability, safeguarding and the Pupil Premium
  • How does safeguarding practice and our Pupil Premium work overlap and interlink
  • Identifying vulnerabilities and supporting students, including those struggling to attend school
  • How the Pupil Premium coordinator and designated safeguarding lead should work together
Independent safeguarding consultant
Workshop 4B: CROSS-PHASE - Using adaptive teaching and differentiation to support Pupil Premium learners
  • What is adaptive teaching and how can it support disadvantaged and vulnerable learners in particular?
  • How can we best identify children’s individual needs so that they can be supported throughout our lessons
  • Small tweaks and adaptations to create inclusive classrooms, including building pupil profiles
SEA Inclusion & Safeguarding
SEND and Safeguarding Trainer and Consultant
End of conference

Click here to access descriptive details about the content and core themes of each session.