
Chair’s welcome
Keynote: CROSS-PHASE - Embedding effective provision for refugee and asylum-seeking children who are new to English

- the educational landscape for refugee and asylum-seeking children in the UK and the distinct needs of learners who are refugees or asylum seekers
- how to get the start right and welcoming the learner and their family/carers
- why it is important to collate and share information about new arrivals
- how to promote academic and social inclusion

Head of Training and Resources
The Bell Foundation
Deputy Service Lead
Pupil and School Support Birmingham
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 1 (CHOOSE 1A, 1B or 1C)

Workshop 1A: SECONDARY - Five Strategies for Bringing Pupil Premium Alive in Secondary

- getting students in and fuelled for the day; making pre-loved uniform work; boosting school engagement and motivation; upskilling and investing; and quality one-to-one time
- how each strategy works, barriers to overcome, and what has had the biggest impact at Rainham School for Girls

Deputy Headteacher, DSL & ACE Lead
Rainham School for Girls
Workshop 1B: CROSS-PHASE - Ofsted and the Pupil Premium

- the place of the Pupil Premium in Ofsted inspection
- how senior and middle leaders can prepare in the run up to a visit and what to do when you get the call
- how to present your school at its best during the inspection, and the kind of questions you can expect inspectors to ask

School Improvement Director
Infinity Academies Trust
Workshop 1C: PRIMARY - Closing the reading gap and opening doors for disadvantaged pupils

- a walk through the strategies used at Loughborough Primary in Brixton, including innovate approaches to contextual safeguarding and pastoral support; forensic tracking; and a systematic approach to reading that still allows for personalisation
- practical ideas and advice that can be adapted and adopted for your circumstances

Loughborough Primary School

Breakout Session 2 (CHOOSE 2A, 2B or 2C)

Workshop 2A: SECONDARY: Pupil Premium Leadership and Effective Approaches

- practical ideas to support Pupil Premium coordinators and senior leadership teams
- a model of leadership of Pupil Premium that has ensured lasting ‘buy in’ by staff and a whole school understanding of how Pupil Premium works
- examples of ways to celebrate successes, both of students and staff; and ways in which school leaders have fostered team spirit and a sense of purpose within the Pupil Premium team

Deputy Headteacher
Oriel High School
Oriel High School
Workshop 2B: SECONDARY - Pupil Premium Dos & Don'ts: On His Majesty’s (not so) secret service

- the issues that every school leadership and support colleagues should consider when planning the Pupil Premium strategy
- what research suggests are Pupil Premium must-haves, and what the evidence says we should avoid doing
- Disclaimer: This session with tenuous James Bond references, but you don't have to be a fan to appreciate them!

Doctoral researcher in educational poverty
Teesside University
Workshops 2C: CROSSPHASE- Implementing a tiered model for supporting all disadvantaged pupils

- consider a tiered model of support and intervention for disadvantaged pupils across the four primary schools and two secondary schools of the NEAT Academy Trust in the North East of England. 
- The tiered model consists of quality first teaching approaches, targeted academic interventions, and wider strategies including family engagement. 
- The workshop will set out how this approach is implemented in practice, the different layers of support which are offered, how the schools ensure they understand the needs of each individual pupil, and what all this looks like in the Pupil Premium Strategy document.

NEAT Academy Trust
Executive Head
NEAT Academy Trust
Lunch and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Keynote 2: CROSS-PHASE - Pupil Premium Plus: Effective learning strategies for vulnerable children

- practical strategies to support the learning, attendance and progress of children living in care
- how schools might spend the Pupil Premium Plus funding that follows looked after children, including the crucial role of PEPs (Personal Education Plans)
- what makes an effective PEP, how these should be created, how to set learning targets, and the role of the designated teacher

Service Manager, Vulnerable Learners
City of Wolverhampton Council

Breakout Session 3 (CHOOSE 3A, 3B or 3C)

Workshop 3A - SECONDARY - The 'how' of your Pupil Premium plan

- He will ask delegates who is our Pupil Premium plan really for and to what extent do we truly implement strategies that go beyond a superficial engagement with evidence?
- Do our teaching staff understanding the research around the physical, cognitive and emotional impacts that poverty and disadvantage can have on students and their learning?
- Do they actively incorporate this into their planning and teaching? And do our current plans consider the specificity of these needs through ‘active ingredients’ in implementing approaches to high quality teaching. 

Staffordshire Research School
EEF Regional Delivery Lead, West Midlands
Woekshop 3B: PRIMARY - When Pupil Premium meets SEND

- meeting the needs of Pupil Premium children who also have SEND
- how Pupil Premium funding can be used to meet the needs of children with SEND
- measuring progress for these children, working with their parents and carers, and reporting this work for Ofsted inspection

Designated Senior Leader, Mental Health
Markeaton Primary School
Workshop 3C: PRIMARY - Five Strategies for Bringing Pupil Premium Alive in Primary

- Getting students in and fuelled for the day; 'poverty-proofing' the school; boosting school engagement and motivation; the school's ACE pastoral tutoring programme; and finding freebies to help their work!
- how each strategy works in practice, barriers to overcome, and the impact has had so far at Front Lawn Primary School

Front Lawn Primary School
ACE Lead
Front Lawn Primary School
Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Your chance to network and visit leading exhibitors in the sector

Breakout Session 4 (CHOOSE 4A, 4B or 4C)

Workshop 4A: SECONDARY - Supporting high-quality teaching and removing non-academic barriers

- Eton College works in collaboration with a number of state schools to design resources and provision which supports high quality teacher and wider pastoral interventions, especially for Pupil Premium students
- specific strategies to support high quality teaching and effective professional development for teaching staff
- wider strategies to address non-academic barriers including good school attendance, managing behaviour, and meeting pupils' social and emotional needs

Head of Research and Impact
Tony Little Centre, Eton College
Workshop 4B: CROSS-PHASE - Using teaching assistants to develop an inclusive and supportive classroom

- ideas to promote inclusion in the classroom and support vulnerable pupils, including Pupil Premium children, though the effective use of teaching assistants
- these include looking at models of teaching assistant deployment and the use of a ‘key person’ to build a team around the child; and an approach to differentiation based on small tweaks and adaptions within the classroom

SEND and Safeguarding Trainer and Consultant
SEA Inclusion & Safeguarding
Workshop 4C: PRIMARY - Understanding the wider needs of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium and enabling successful outcomes

- the processes and systems that help ensure successful progress, attainment, attendance, and behaviour for Pupil Premium pupils
- Specific topics will include Warrington Primary Academy Trust’s use of diagnostic tools; effective early intervention strategies; supporting pupils during points of transition; the use of data and tracking (Pupil Premium evaluation); and the team around the child

Inclusion Lead
Warrington Primary Academy Trust
End of conference

Click here to access descriptive details about the content and core themes of each session.